Art Therapy


Translated from the Greek, “transfiguration” means “turning into another type”

Look at a precious, shining diamond: is it not an ordinary coal? But now, dug out of the dark bowels of the earth, where there is no light, it refracts in its crystals a ray of sunlight falling on it. The dark, the darkest substance of coal on earth becomes a carrier of another, opposite to it light beginning, which has overcome its dark, material element. And we admire its unexpectedly transformed beauty. Where does it come from? Is it not from the union of opposite parts? Is it not from the union of opposite parts? Is it not from the recognition of its true beginning, the formation of the desired image and the process of transition from one state to another?

The “Transfiguration” project was born on the edge of art and psychology. It supports people on the difficult path of transition to a new life, to a new quality of self.

Just drawing a rainbow picture of a future life is not the best idea, as it is too far from the current state of a person. Therefore, in the project I visually reflect not only the desired state, but also the current state of the customer. Moreover, I encrypt the path of change, which will help the customer's psyche to find its one way to a new life.

This approach will help to discover the true beauty of the human being, no matter how difficult the state of the person at the current moment may be. It allows a person to come to a state of peace, joy and love with oneself and the World.
Client Request:
I want to figure out what I want, to get out of my depression and start shining like before

Visual language takes into account the client's psychotype:
- Current state of depression and apathy, where thoughts are constantly confused and there is a feeling of being swamped (lower left third)
- fiery part, love of performing, desire to be in the center of attention (upper third)
- multifaceted personality, interest in many different areas of life (right lower third)
- round shape allows you to gather into a whole personality, accept all facets of yourself and learn to live with them

Client request:
To stop being a man in a skirt, running off to parts unknown. To find peace and tranquility

How visual language affects:
- Graphic mountains, peaks. Ups and downs leading to harsh internal conflicts (current state)
- Picturesque landscape. Smoothness, consistency and contentment (desired state)
- wheel of transformation, balancing of masculine and feminnine inner energy (path of transition)